Life tips

Important tips

  • Sleep is important, try best to get enough
  • Sport is important, daily sprint or long walk helps.
    • Do not sit and work hard on something for a long time - 45M break is GOOD
    • Do not be influenced by short videos for too long
  • Learn some tips on fast reading
  • Read more, focus more, plan better

Morning tips

  • Most important time is the 1 hour in the morning
  • Make bed
  • Meditation 10-20m, draw attention back to breath, 7 days will have effect?
  • Tune into the peak state -> "I can do it mode"
    • code shower?!🤔
    • 4:16:8 breath exercise
    • short exercise, or a walk outside
    • 5 - 10 daily journal
  • Peaceful mindset reminding, see below 静心做事法

Evening tips

  • Summary daily journal
    • old/new relationships that helped you
    • an opportunity recently, (call parents, or work)
    • something great happened or learned today/yesterday
    • something simple

Ref here, here.

Daily Goal

  • Plan entertaining hours, delay gratification
  • Try fight with social media / Youtube addiction
  • Read more books, write more notes, eat less in the afternoons
  • Regular fasting

Daily Productivity Tips

  • Keep a todo list and clear it every day before sleep
    • Put each day's tasks into their own planning/notes

Weekly Goal

  • Write a weekly work summary and note down
    • major accomplishment
    • perhaps something learned
    • perhaps something could be done better, less hurry, or some actions could have been avoided?


  • 禁走险,一误万误
  • 禁性猴,事万功一
  • 禁无章,仅专万事 得有计划,分主次


一定记住干活说话的时候不要急,要静心细水的来,包括打字😄 这样貌似可以更能集中精力。

  • 下来干事情,这样焦躁感觉会减少很多
  • 下来说事情,别人也能够更好的理解

记得年轻的时候,其实也包括现在,很多情况下还是干事情太急躁,包括打字都想打很快。 给人讲东西说话也快,着急别人理解慢。其实都可以慢下来,平着心去做事,有一种稳妥, 心静的感觉。



  1. 从低期待开始
  2. 寻找成就感
  3. 设定期限
  4. 远离干扰
  5. 先搞五分钟再说

不要想着去完成✅ 只看现在这五分钟,半小时能带来的好处 只要今天作出了一点点改进或者进步,明天就会更好一些 不管你面对的事情有多么困难,你有多抵触,多害怕,都不要逃避,因为没人能帮你做。而且往往你只需要迈出那第一步,剩下的第二步、第三步、第四步,都比你想象地要轻松很多

Health tips

  • Do more sports
  • Vitamin D, K2, potassium and so on are important!
  • Listen to Dr. Breg

Happier tips

  • When bored, reach out to a good friend, some family menber, or a memtor for a chat.

General tips

  • From Daniel EK: pay attention to daily accumulation and compound effect after span of years, value the free time you have before you got kids
  • About stock/market: for average people we can perhaps just do long term investment, and buy in/after when you hear big crash news, and sell when your friends/relatives asking you how to open trading accounts.
  • You can never really predict the top of the market. If you feel things not correct, the actual change might happen after days or months...