Career Tips

From Mentor Li Ma:

  • Pay attention to leardership traning.
    • Company scale/document, or maybe follow AWS Leadership Principles. Make sure that you can X on all the requirements or requisites' checkboxes for your next level.
    • Asking for help from the right source is also part of a leadership trait.
  • Try to be positive and try provide solutions. Complaining won't help you go far.
  • Find a mentor (2 or a few levels higher) in another part of the organization, ask for some advices regularly.
  • Resume: Focums on impact and key results on the business side. Tech not important.

From Montor Weimin Zhou

  1. quantify your impact
  2. quantify your impact
  3. quantify your impact
  4. ask a English professional to fix your gramma
  5. one single line for a bullet point