Raft - learning from MIT 6.824

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Raft Core Feature

If committed --meaning--> Present in the future leader's logs, and this is achieved by:

  • Restrictions on leader election (See voting rules)
  • Restrictions on commit

Leader Election

We firstly look at Leader Election mechanism - which is implemented by two parts:

  1. RequestVote - each node start as Follower and when election timeout passes and no HeartBeat received before, then a node step up as Candidate and send votes to rest of the nodes and if collect more than half (count itself as well), it steps up as a Leader, which keeps sending HeartBeat to others.
  2. HeartBeat - a.k.a Empty AppendEntries RPC


Besides, the tips on the paper and the lab2a websites, I encountered a few other pitfalls (which might be mentioned somewhere in to docs)


  • In order to make the tests can pass with limited running time, I have to make sure when a candidate sends vote requests out and wait, it should stop waiting as long as it already got enough majority votes.
  • The same applies when a leader is waiting for heatbeats. Don't wait after quorum votes have been fetched.
  • Each places when a candidate/leader step down to a follower, remember to set votedFor back to nil or -1 so to allow it gives a valid vote in the next round of voting process.
  • Not like Follower, Candidates can probably send out the next round of vote with a shorter and fixed Duration than a Follower's election timeout duration, in the case when this round of vote does not get enough votes; But at the same time

Getting vote request as Candidate

  • It seems not necessary, but I also added the logic (seem to be safer): If myself is a Candidate and the other node (candidate) want me to vote to her, if we have the same term value, then I don't vote to her (so as she won't vote for me neither);

Standard Voting Rules when got Voting Request:

  • If request term lass than my term, ignore. Reply my term.
  • So when request term >= my term,
    • From Rules for Servers: If RPC request or response contains term T > currentTerm: set currentTerm = T, convert to follower
    • The candidate situation mentioned above
    • if notYetVoted or votedTheSameBefore, then do the vote, set votedFor and reset my election timeout; It is important to have votedFor set and checked here as it helps in the case where there is multiple candidates alive, then no multiple leaders are selected, as we make sure each voter can only vote to one candidate.
  • Restrictions on leader election
    • When voting, include lastLogIndex and lastLogTerm
    • Voting server v denies vote if its log is "more complete":
      if (lastTerm_v > lastTerm_c) || (lastTerm_v == lastTerm_c) && (lastIndex_v > lastIndex_c)
        return false

HeartBeat - a.k.a Empty AppendEntries RPC

After the Leader is elected, the electionTimeoutTime or election timeout should then be constantly refreshed with each HeartBeat - which is achieved by sending empty AppendEntries RPC calls.

The basic rules are like:

  • From Rules for Servers: If RPC request or response contains term T > currentTerm: set currentTerm = T, convert to follower

The code could be something like this

func (rf *Raft) HeartBeat(args *HeartBeatRequest, reply *HeartBeatReply) {
	defer rf.mu.Unlock()
    if args.Term >= rf.term {
        rf.state = Follower  // step down
        rf.votedFor = args.From
        rf.term = args.Term
        rf.electionTimeoutTime = time.Now().Add(rf.getElectionTimeoutDuration())
        reply.Good = true
        reply.Term = rf.term
    } else {
        reply.Good = false
        reply.Term = rf.term

AppendEntries RPC


Tricky part summary

Leader ticker and Candidate ticker The candidate ticker can be done with just a single thread loop and it is okay to set up a timeout as well. For the critical conditions of TestFigure8Unreliable2C, it will mostly work well as long as we make sure timeout is relatively large so we can always have a candidate selected after a few rounds.

But for the leader ticker we cannot use single thread call with a long timeout anymore as if we do that, the timeout will be a time much longer than the election timeout of other followers then it ended up constantly new candidate showing up.

However, if we let leader ticker async, for example, start a goroutine and send a HeartBeat call every 100ms, then the other subtle issue is that we have to make sure, when those goroutines finishes in different time and order, we can still handle things correctly.

A few places to worth notice and mention:

  1. For each leader ticker goroutine, after getting reply from any followers, do a check of the leader's states and term as the leader might have already been converted to a follower by other leader
  2. when leader to update nextIndex for a follower, check it can only be larger than matchedIndex in case the HeartBeats to the same follower replied out of order.

Follower Log correction Speed-Up This is where the paper didn't say much, but basically there is two cases we need to speed-up follower log.

  1. During follower replying HeartBeat, when follower's LastLogTerm is greater than leader's rf.log[nextIndex-1].Term (or args.PrevLogTerm), so we roll nextIndex to the smaller side until it reaches an entry with the same term as leader's PrevLogTerm, by cutting follower's log and replying to leader with a smaller LastLogIndex;
    Leader:   [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4,]
    Entries:               ^ [2, 4, 4,]
    Follower: [0, 1, 1, 3, 3, ] then we should cut it to:
              [0, 1, 1, ]       <-----------------------|
                        ^-------new `nextIndex` found by `LastLogIndex`
    Also, when PrevLogIndex/Term matches, remove all the following entries that starts with a miss match of any entry term from leader's incoming entries
    Leader:   [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4,]
    Entries:               ^ [2, 4, 4,]
    Follower: [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3] then we should cut it to:
              [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4,]      <-----------------------|
  2. During leader's handling of a follower's reply of HeartBeat, where the follower's LastLogTerm is less than leader's rf.log[nextIndex-1].Term, so we roll nextIndex to the smaller side until it reaches an entry with the same term as follower's LastLogTerm.
    Leader:   [0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4,]
    Entries:               ^ [2, 4, 4,]
    Follower: [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ] then we should cut it to:
              [0, 1, 1, 1, ]       <-----------------------------|
                        ^--------------- and also send back `LastLogTerm` as 1 so to let leader set `nextIndex` to the place just after the last entry of term = LastLogTerm
                     ^----------------- new `nextIndex` found by `LastLogTerm`

Async commit and updating rf.commitIndex

The actual apply of those logs and update of rf.commitIndex can be done async with a single goroutine.

Important fix for TestFigure8Unreliable2C's commits not sync issue here - as we added some optimization on

  1. Leader only sends part of new entries when there are more than a max number (500 in this case) of new entries that are not on the follower
  2. When a Follower is handling the heartbeat, it does not touch the log if the incoming entries have been existing/duplicated, leaving some entries after the incoming entry part untouched/uncut as well. However, the entries in the latter part might not be valid.

So with those optimizations mentioned above, at the place when we update the follower's rf.commitIndex, we cannot go as far as the leader's commitIndex, but only goes to the end index of the incoming replicating entry parts - which is args.PrevLogIndex+len(args.Entries)

Or see some comments on this Lab2C PR