Some new_features learned

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switch expression is better than switch statement

The switch in newer Java can be written as expressions, which is much better than the statement as:

  • statement needs to mutate stuff in order to have effect;
  • easy to write wrong stuff when missing break;
  • statement has no exhaustive check, but expression has :)

Also, when using switch statement, do not write the default if not necessary as there is already exhaustive check.

Plus, there is a yeild if one wants to "return a value" from a switch block.

List types can be immutable or mutable but difficult to tell

Generally, seems the old APIs prefer to return mutable stuff.


  • Arrays.asList();
  • stream.collect(Collectors.toList());


  • List.of();
  • stream.toList();

teeing as an interesting collector:

     /--------\ (collect)
----teeing           (collect) -----
     \--------/ (collect)

For these type of operations, teeing could be a good candidate. Also noticing these groupingBy, partitionBy like collectors, can also take the last parameter in with another collector. So this "collector of collectors (of collectors)" can be powerful but becareful not going too deep!

Record data class is nice

  • The simple/compact constructors in Records is nice, but do not use this there as it just some code that runs before the real internal constructor is called.
  • Record fields are final, so one can use the compact constructors to play with different initial fields values, and let the internal/canonical constructor to do the final this.x=x assignments.
  • Use local Record to represent Tuple might be a good idea especially the Tuple type do not need to be shared around.

sealed + permits classes and interfaces

Thus, the main motivation behind sealed classes/interfaces is to have the possibility for a superclass/interface to be widely accessible but not widely extensible.

  • All permitted subclasses must belong to the same module as the sealed class.
  • Every permitted subclass must explicitly extend the sealed class.
  • Every permitted subclass must define a modifier: final, sealed, or non-sealed.

Pattern matching with switch is nice

public class Main {
  public static String matchWithSwitch(Object in) {
    return switch (in) {
      case null -> "oh come on...";
      case Integer i when i < 0 -> "got a negative number: " + i;
      case Integer i -> "got a number:" + i;
      case String s -> "got a string of length: " + s.length();
      default -> "got something unknown";