
  • Swedish Essentials of Grammar - page 64 - 80
  • Rivstart A1/A2 Övningsbok - page 75, 75
word typeIMPERATIVE = BasicFormINFINITIVEPRESENTPASTSUPINEPresent ParticiplePast Participle
G2 - Basic ending with consonantbasicbasic + abasic + erbasic + de; or te after p,t,k,s,xbasic + tbasic + andebasic + d; or t after p,t,k,s,x
G1 - Basic ending with abasicbasicbasic + rbasic + debasic + tbasic + andebasic + d
G3 - Basic ending with a long stressed vowelbasicbasicbasic + rbasic + ddebasic + ttbasic + endebasic + dd
  • G4 - special verbs.
  • Strong verbs - some "er" verbs are "strong" verbs, they change vowels when in past and supine, and supine ends with it; And for their past participle, replace it to en F.g. Texten är skriven här. (The text is written here.)
Strong word typeIMPERATIVE = BasicFormINFINITIVEPRESENTPASTSUPINEPresent ParticiplePast Participle

The passive

Adding an s

  • If present tense ending in r, then + r s
    • öppnar -> öppnas
  • If present tense ending in er then usually the whole ending disappears
    • köpper -> köps
    • köpper -> köpes (more formal)

Or one can use blev / vara / är + past participle to do the same:

  • Bilen blev reparerad, medan vi väntade (The car was repared while we waited)
  • Bilen reparerades, medan vi väntade.
  • Villan är redan såld. (The house is already sold)
  • Villan har redan sålts.

Two Participle from - 两种分词形式

  • present participle (presens particip)
  • past participle (perfekt particip)

The participles can be used in the same way as adjectives:

  • en läsande pojke (present) - a reading boy
  • en stängd dörr (past) - a closed door

