Book Notes Formula

from here, video

πŸ‘€ Impressions

πŸ’­ This is where I will write down my feelings about the book as I read it

e.g. I found this book life changing...

πŸͺ„ Actionable Takeaways

πŸ’­ This is a list of the 10 main learning points I took from the book, converted into actionable points - how I can use them in my own life

  1. e.g. 45 minutes break is going to save you life
  2. ...

πŸ§β€ Fave Quotes

πŸ’­These are my favourite literal quotes from the book, that are too well written to summarise, and I might use in my future work

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🎁 Bonus

πŸ’­ Some books have great frameworks for thinking, questions, formulas that I’d like to save - they go here

🌚 Archive

πŸ’­ This is where I will store the extra notes and quotes that didn’t make the top 10 cut