Stack and Queue

Two major implementations

  • Linked list impl
  • Array impl

which can both implement stack and queue.

Linked list impl

For stack or queue, a single direction link list will do, so only need a head point to the head node, and a tail point to the tail node.

(head) -> (a,) -> (b,) -> (c,)
(tail) - - - - - - - - - - ^

A simple unsafe Rust implementation could use structures like:

fn main() {
pub struct Node<T> {
    element: T,
    next: Option<Box<Node<T>>>,

pub struct LinkedList<T> {
    head: Option<Box<Node<T>>>,
    tail: *mut Node<T>,

More code can be see here on my own bad Rust stack/queue implementation

  • push add node via head;
  • enqueue add node via tail;
  • pop or dequeue, just take out nodes from head.

Or in short adding on both ends, removing from head only.

Array impl

  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
[__, __,  a,  b,  c, __, __, __,]
(head) ---^
(tail) - - - - - - - ^
  • push or enqueue, just add via tail;
  • pop removes nodes from tail;
  • dequeue removes from head;

Or in short adding from tail only, removing from both ends.

Other trivial details:

  • When reaching the end while adding, increase capacity by factor of 2;
  • When tail less than 1/4 of capacity, can reduce capacity by 1/2 of current capacity, to save space;
  • In Java, when removing element from the list, besides change head and tail values, also set null to the array so to let those removed nodes can be garbage collected later.

Dequeue - a double-ended queue

Dequeue -a double-ended queue or deque (pronounced “deck”) is a generalization of a stack and a queue that supports adding and removing items from either the front or the back of the data structure.

One type of implementation could be using a double linked list, so both ends can remove nodes.

Another approach (I suppose) could be using two stacks, with either stack implementations mentioned above. Then one stack is kept as positive while another kept as negative.

So the deque can probably be implemented as something like:

    // add the item to the front
    public void addFirst(Item item) {

    // add the item to the back
    public void addLast(Item item) {

    // remove and return the item from the front
    public Optional<Item> removeFirst() {
        if (!negative.isEmpty) {
            return negative.pop();
        } else {
            return positive.dequeue();

    // remove and return the item from the back
    public Optional<Item> removeLast() {
        if (!positive.isEmpty) {
            return positive.pop();
        } else {
            return negative.dequeue();

Haven't tried to do my homework with the Princeton course, but hopefully this works. Otherwise the code might later be at here. Update: As the homework requires constant worst time so I used a double linked list to implement it. So I can just guess now the above idea will work :)


A RandomizedQueue can be implemented with a normal array implementation queue, plus using Knuth Shuffle during enqueue operation:

public void enqueue(Item item) {
    if (item == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if (items.length == tail) {
      resize(Math.max(items.length, size() * 2));
    items[tail] = item;

    swap(tail - 1, StdRandom.uniform(head, tail));

Key is on that swap call. Basically the shuffle idea is very simple, when adding a new item into the array, then randomly select an item from the array (including the newly added one) then swap the newly added one with the selected item.

See code here.

By the way, this Knuth Shuffle idea seems pretty powerful as it uses linear time for shuffling a N-th array. Better than make N random floats and sort them to have a new index list.

Linked list impl vs Array impl

I guess simply put,

  • linked list is good for constant time operations in the worst case, though slower each time, an uses more space;
  • resizing array is in most cases very fast, occasionally slow when resizing, with the claim of adding an element has constant amortized time cost. And less wasted space

Priority Queues (a.k.a Binary heap)

Besides the "linear" array/linked-list type of queue implementation, Binary heap can also be used to construct an array representation of a heap-ordered complete binary tree, which can be used as a special queue where you can always get the most min (or max) value of a queue. See more about it in the search algorithm session below.

And it can also be used as a sorting algoritm called Heap sort. See more notes about Priority Queues here

Use stack/queue for Search Algorithm

One quite useful thing about stack and queue is that

  • stack can be used for Depth-First Search (DFS)
  • queue can be used for Breadth-First Search (BFS)

And Priority queue can be used for even faster search algoritms to only focus on the most possible directions (the shortest path for example).

See more notes about Priority Queues here

Quite interesting.

It seems that a general "Graph Search" type of problem can be solved by this abstract framework:

  • agent - entity that perceives its environment and acts upon that environment
  • state - a configuration of the agent and its environment; initial state - the state in which the agent begins
  • actions - choices that can be made in a state, like edges in graphs; ACTIONS(s) returns the set of actions that can be executed in state s
  • transition model or RESULT(s, a) returns the state resulting from performing action a in state s
  • goal test - way to determine whether a given state is a goal state
  • path cost - numerical cost associated with a given path
  • frontier - a stack or queue to keep track of the nodes to be explored

Then with a node defined as a data structure that keeps track of

  • a state
  • a parent (node that generated this node)
  • an action (action applied to parent to get node)
  • a path cost (from initial state to node)

Then a search algorithm can be defined as:

Search algorithm

  • Start with a frontier that contains the initial state.
  • Start with an empty explored set.
  • Repeat:
    • If the frontier is empty, then no solution.
    • Remove a node from the frontier. (Also using a set to keep track of visited nodes)
    • If node contains goal state (goal test), return the solution.
    • Add the node to the explored set.
    • Expand node (ACTIONS + RESULTS), add resulting nodes to the frontier if they aren't already in the frontier or the explored set.

For example, in a simple maze search problem, the state of the node is just the current position, the actions of the node is just the next possible directions that the agent can go to, leading to the following states.

In a social network problem, for example in the homework's movie actors degree problem, the state of the node is just the actor id, the actions of the node is just the movies this actor performed, which can lead to other state (or actors).

Some example code on the degree problem might look like this.

def shortest_path(source, target):
    Returns the shortest list of (movie_id, person_id) pairs that connect the source to the target.
    If no possible path, returns None.

    Action: movie id
    State: person id

    start = Node(state=source, parent=None, action=None)
    frontier = QueueFrontier()
    explored = set()

    while True:
        if frontier.empty():
            return None
        node = frontier.remove()

        for action in people[node.state]["movies"]:
            for state in movies[action]["stars"]: 
                if not frontier.contains_state(state) and state not in explored:
                    child = Node(state=state, parent=node, action=action)

                    checkNode = child
                    if checkNode.state == target:
                        actions_and_states = []
                        while checkNode.parent is not None:
                            actions_and_states.append((checkNode.action, checkNode.state))
                            checkNode = checkNode.parent
                        return actions_and_states

And normally a queue is used as the frontier in order to perform Breadth-First Search - which seem to be the best option for general problems as you want to find the shortest path to the goal.

One variant of the algorithms is a greedy best-first search

  • A* search: search algorithm that expands node with lowest value of g(n) + h(n)
    • g(n) = cost to reach node
    • h(n) = estimated cost to goal
    • optimal if
      • h(n) is admissible (never overestimates the true cost), and
      • h(n) is consistent (for every node n and successor n' with step cost c, h(n) ≤ h(n') + c)

To facilitate a fast way to pick "a lowest value (or highest) from a queue", a data structure called Priority Queue can be used as it as uses binary heap to achieve log N order-of-growth for both queue insert and queue delete operation.

Another variant of this type of algorithm is Adversarial Search - which is used for problems like Tic-Tac-Toe games

So for games:

  • S0 : initial state
  • PLAYER(s) : returns which player to move in state s
  • ACTIONS(s) : returns legal moves in state s
  • RESULT(s, a) : returns state after action a taken in state s
  • TERMINAL(s) : checks if state s is a terminal state
  • UTILITY(s) : final numerical value for terminal state s

One method is called MinMax

  • Given a state s:
  • MAX picks action a in ACTIONS(s) that produces highest value of MIN-VALUE(RESULT(s, a))
  • MIN picks action a in ACTIONS(s) that produces smallest value of MAX-VALUE(RESULT(s, a))

Or in code as:

function MAX-VALUE(state):
 if TERMINAL(state):
 return UTILITY(state)
 v = -∞
 for action in ACTIONS(state):
 v = MAX(v, MIN-VALUE(RESULT(state, action)))
 return v

function MIN-VALUE(state):
 if TERMINAL(state):
 return UTILITY(state)
 v = ∞
 for action in ACTIONS(state):
 v = MIN(v, MAX-VALUE(RESULT(state, action)))
 return v

And some special pruning method such as Alpha-Beta Pruning is needed for game problems with very large search space.